更新日期:2021-06-21     浏览次数:274

摘要 车辆在通过道岔时的轮轨动态相互作用远大于一般线路,这不但会引起列车部件疲劳伤损,而且还会造成尖轨和心轨严重磨损、结构破坏等问题。基于经典电磁场理论和多体动力学理论建立了适用于道岔运行的直线电机列车机电耦合动力学模型,并结合Kik-Piotrowski方法建立了道岔变截面轮轨多点接触模型,以直线电机地铁线路小号单开道岔实测廓形数据作为输入,对列车侧向通过道岔时的动力学行为进行了分析。仿真结果表明:车辆运行过程中,直线电机初级与次级间产生的法向电磁力幅值较大,这对轮轨垂向力造成了较大的影响;各车第一、三位轮对的轮轨横向力和垂向力相对较大,辙叉区不平顺引起的轮轨系统动态响应较转辙区大;在通过转辙区和辙叉区时,头车的轮轨力变化波动较大,其他车辆变化波动较小。 The dynamic interaction of wheel and rail in the turnout is much larger than that of the general interval line,which not only causes fatigue damage of train components,but also causes serious wear and damage of the switch rail and point frog rail.In this paper,the classical electromagnetic field theory and multi-body dynamics theory are used to establish the electromechanical coupling dynamics model of linear induction motor metro vehicle for turnout crossing.based on the Kik-Piotrowski method,the turnout model with variable cross-section and multi-point contact is established.The measured profile data of small number single-sided turnout was used to simulate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle passing through the turnout.The results show that the normal force between the primary linear motor and the reaction plate has a great influence on the wheel-rail forces,and the discontinuity of the reaction plate cannot be ignored.The lateral and vertical forces of the first and third wheel sets are relatively large,which is more dangerous in the frog area.When crossing the switch area and frog area,the wheel-rail force variation of the front vehicle fluctuates greatly,and other vehicles have less fluctuations.
作者 樊美娟 关庆华 李伟 马维国 温泽峰 FAN Meijuan;GUAN Qinghua;LI Wei;MA Weiguo;WEN Zefeng(State Key Laboratory of Traction Power,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031 Sichuan,China;CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130062 Jilin,China)
出处 《铁道机车车辆》 北大核心 2021年第2期70-76,共7页 Railway Locomotive & Car
基金 四川省科技计划项目(2019YFH0053) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(A0920502051904-43)。
关键词 直线电机地铁车辆 电磁力 动力响应 侧向通过 小号道岔 small number turnout passing through the branch line of turnout linear induction motor metro electromagnetic force dynamic response