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更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:152

摘要 基于动量飞轮姿态控制原理,设计并搭建了一套单轴倒立摆平衡系统实验装置。运用能量法建立了单轴倒立摆回稳系统动力学模型,设计了自平衡控制方法;使用加速度传感器和陀螺仪识别倒立摆姿态,通过稳态评价指标判断系统的侧倾方向与角度;运用PID理论,通过动量飞轮的加速过程实现了系统姿态回稳与平衡。实验结果表明,动量飞轮对于垂直平面内的摆体侧倾有较理想的回正作用,验证了控制系统的可行性、可靠性与正确性。 An experimental platform of single-axis self-balancing mechatronic device was designed and built following the attitude control principle of momentum flywheel.The dynamic model of the balancing device was formulated employing Lagrange energy method,and the control method was proposed and optimized.The attitude of the device was identified by the acceleration sensor and the gyroscope,the roll direction and angle of the pendulum device were judged by the steady-state evaluation index.The DC drive motor was controlled by PID control method,the device was dynamically stabilized near the balancing point with the acceleration movements of momentum flywheel.The experimental results show that the momentum flywheel has an ideal effect on the rolling phenomenon of the pendulum in the vertical plane,which verifies the feasibility,reliability and correctness of the flywheel-based stabilization device.
作者 李臻 刘龙龙 宋战胜 宋正河 朱忠祥 LI Zhen;LIU Longlong;SONG Zhansheng;SONG Zhenghe;ZHU Zhongxiang(College of Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期75-78,91,共5页 Research and Exploration In Laboratory
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51805535)。
关键词 动量飞轮 单轴倒立摆 回稳控制 实验装置 momentum flywheel single-axis pendulum stabiliztion control experimental device