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更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:166

摘要 嵌入式系统是现代信息技术和制造业发展的核心设备。新经济下传统产业升级改造对嵌入式系统技术人才的工程开发能力素养和服务销售管理类能力素养提出了更全面系统的要求。但是,传统嵌入式类工程实践教育课程产教融合不足,内容超前性和先进性不够,难以跟上当前技术发展。因此,根据"新工科"工程实践教育改革理念指引,本文针对新的嵌入式系统类专业课程的实践教学体系、内容和价值进行了深入探索,在产学融合的基础上,提出了多元化服务管理型技术人才培养和系统化创新型技术开发人才培养,尝试建立更全面、系统和贴合产业实际需求及工程实现的实践教学体系,减小了人才质量和产业需求的差距,提升了相关专业的产学融合深度。 Embedded system is the core equipment of modern information technology and manufacturing industry. Under new economy, the reforming and upgrading of traditional industries leads to more comprehensive and systematic requirements for the engineering development ability and services, sales, management ability of the embedded system technical personnel. However, traditional embedded engineering practical education curriculums are lack of integration between industry and education, with insufficient advanced contents, which is difficult to follow the emerging technological development. Therefore, according to the idea of reforming engineering practice education under Emerging Engineering Education, this paper makes a profound exploration for the practical teaching system, content and application value of embedded system courses. based on the integration between industry and education, more diversified training of service and management type technical personnel and more systematic training of innovative technical development personnel are proposed. More comprehensive and more systematic practical teaching system meeting the actual needs of the industry and engineering realization are tried to establish. Gaps between personnel quality and industrial demand are reduced. Depth of integration between industry and education in embedded system majors are promoted.
作者 高俊枫 黄乐天 Gao Junfeng;Huang Letian
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 北大核心 2021年第3期39-43,共5页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 教育部2019年产学协同合作育人项目“数字SoC系统的FPGA实现”。
关键词 实践教学体系 系统化 多元化 产学融合 新工科 practical teaching system systematic diversification integration between industry and education emerging engineering education