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摘要 通过大量钻孔岩心的观察及样品数据统计分析,发现日达里克地区库车组下段砂岩成份成熟度及结构成熟度方面均较低,具近物源快速沉积特征。岩石为泥质胶结,固结疏松,属良好的铀储层。通过对砂岩地球化学特征的分析,部分元素含量变化与层间氧化分带关系明显,呈SiO2、Al2O3含量以氧化带为最高,过渡带次之,还原带最低的特点;CaO、MgO含量还原带明显高于氧化带和过渡带,这些规律能有效判别地球化学环境。原生带中C有,S全含量较伊犁盆地富铀砂体明显偏少,且过渡带中有机质的富集也不明显,对铀的富集不利。研究区铀富集的关键因素为层间氧化作用,有效判断地球化学分带是该区找矿的关键,结合研究区“反转式”层间氧化带找矿规律,将对找矿提供指示作用。 Through a large number of borehole core observation and sample data system statistical analysis,it is found that the composition maturity and structural maturity of the lower sandstone of kuqa Formation in Ridaric area are relatively low,it has the characteristics of near source rapid deposition,it is a good uranium reservoir with argillaceous cement and loose rock consolidation,Through the analysis of the geochemical characteristics of sandstone,the relationship between the variation of some elements and the interlayer oxidation zonation is obvious,The content of SiO2 and Al2O3 is highest in the oxidation zone,followed by the transition zone and the reduction zone.CaO and MgO are significantly higher in the reduction zone than in the oxidation zone and transition zone.These laws can effectively identify the geochemical environment.The total content of C and S is significantly less than that of uranium-rich sand bodies in Yili Basin,The accumulation of organic matter in the transition zone is not obvious,unfavorable to enrichment of uranium,the key factor of uranium enrichment in the study area is interlayer oxidation,how to judge geochemical zoning effectively will be the key to ore prospecting in this area,at the same time,combined with the prospecting rule of"reversed"interlayer oxidation zone in the study area,it will provide an indication for ore prospecting.
作者 李书海 Li Shuhai(NO.216 Team,CNNC,Urumqi,Xinjiang,830011,China)
出处 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期124-128,共5页 Xinjiang Geology
基金 中国核工业地质局铀矿地质项目新疆塔里木盆地乌恰-轮台地区铀矿资源调查评价与勘查项目(201907)资助。
关键词 砂岩型铀矿 塔里木盆地 库车组 地球化学 Sandstone-type uranium deposit Tarim basin Kuche Formation Geochemistry