更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:146

摘要 宋南渡词人是一个特殊的群体。对故土与新都的书写成为宋南渡词人创作中的鲜明印记,构成了南渡词的“双城现象”。故土与新都负载了家国乱离之际南渡词人的特殊心理。立足于文学地理学的空间情结动力,分析南渡词人对故土风土人情追忆的“家园”情结、追问家园何处的“精神望乡”情怀、深寓黍离之悲的漂泊情思等三方面。 Song Nan Du Poets formed a special group.Their writings about the homeland and the new capital became a distinct mark in the literary creation of Song Nan Du Poets,which constituted"a phenomenon of two cities"of Nan Du writings.The native homeland and the new capital bore the special psychology of Song Nan Du Poets while their homeland was in disorder.based on the spatial complex power of literary geography,this paper analyzes in three aspects the poets′homestead complex in their retrospection of the local customs with the feeling of spiritual homesickness while leading a wandering life and asking in deep sorrow where the homeland should be.
作者 刘永娟 LIU Yongjuan(Luoyang Daily, Luoyang 471023, China)
机构地区 洛阳日报社
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报:社会科学版》 2021年第2期64-70,共7页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 南渡词人 故土 新都 地理空间 情感动力 Nan Du Poets(poets escaping to the Southern Song Dynasty after the Northern Song Dynasty perished) homeland new capital geographic space complex power