更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:154

摘要 对于曹植《赠王粲》的作年确定,历来莫衷一是,争议主要集中在王粲“拜侍中”前后。通过分析字句内容、思想内涵等,《赠王粲》应是拟王粲《杂诗·日暮游西园》而作。结合其他文献资料可以发现,相比“拜侍中后”,“拜侍中前”说更符合史实、诗实与情理。在对建安十五年至十七年间曹植、王粲的事迹进行对比排除后,可将《赠王粲》诗的作年进一步确定到建安十六年春。 There has always been a disagreement on the year determination of CAO Zhi′s poem To WANG Can,and the dispute mainly focuses on the period before or after"WANG Can was worshiped as a court official".Through the analysis of sentence content,ideological connotation and so on,it is identified that the poem To WANG Can should be composed to answer WANG Can′s Diversified Poems:A Journey to the West Garden at Sunset.Combined with other literature materials,the saying that the poem was written"before WANG Can was worshiped as a court official"should be more conforming to historical facts,poetic reality and sense,if compared with the claim that"poem was composed afterwards."After matching and excluding the activities of CAO Zhi and WANG Can from the 15th to the 17th year of Jian′an,the writing date of the poem To WANG Can can be clarified to the spring of the 16th year of Jian′an.
作者 刘璐 LIU LU(College of Literature and Journalism, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, China)
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报:社会科学版》 2021年第2期79-84,共6页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 曹植 《赠王粲》 王粲 《杂诗·日暮游西园》 作年 CAO Zhi To WANG Can WANG Can Diversified Poems:A Journey to the West Garden at Sunset the writing time