更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:159

摘要 “扎实推动共同富裕”是党在完成第一个百年奋斗目标、开启全面建设社会主义现代化新征程之际作出的重大战略延展和庄严承诺,致力于推动社会主义向更高阶段迈进。理解和准确把握“共同富裕”具有重要意义。必须从初心使命、问题导向、文化传統、社会主义本质、新发展阶段要求等角度全面把握共同富裕的意义价值,同时要准确理解在当前时代条件下提出坚持共同富裕方向的理由和用意,防止模糊认识。扎实推动共同富裕要在不断提高人民收入水平、健全收入分配机制、完善税收征管体制、完善社会保障体系、强化反垄斷和防止资本无序扩张、缩小城乡区域发展差距和促进人的全面发展上着力。 "Promoting common prosperity effectively"is a strategic extension and solemn commitment made by the Party at the time of accomplishing the first Centennial Goal and starting a new journey of socialist modernization in an all-round way and is intended to raise socialism to a higher staze.It is of great significance to understand and correctly grasp"common prosperity".We must comprehensively reconize the significance and value of common prosperity from the perspectives of original mission,problem orientation,cultural tradition,the essence of socialism,and the requirements of the new development stage.At the same time,we must correctly understand the reasons and intentions of adheringr to the direction of common prosperity under the current conditions and avoid understanding vagruely.To promote common prosperity effectively,efforts should be intensified to continuously raise people's income level,imnrove the income distribution mechanism,optimize the tax collection and manarement svstem,build abetter social security systen,oppose monopoly and prevent the disorderly expansion of capital,narrow the urban-rural development gap,and push forward people's all-round development.
作者 王若磊 Wang Ruolei
出处 《人民论坛·学术前沿》 北大核心 2021年第6期88-93,共6页 Frontiers
关键词 共同富裕 社会主义 现代化国家 新征程 common prosperity socialist modernization new journey