更新日期:2021-07-07     浏览次数:231

自1920年代起,东亚各国,特别是中国、朝鲜和越南的共产主义运动即互相交织并连成一片。东亚三国共产党之间的合作,促成了南北两个跨国革命区的形成,本文探讨的即是1945年至1950年间南方中越边境跨国革命区形成的条件、中越双方合作的方式,以及1950年前与1950年后中越同盟关系的区别。学术界对于1950年后的中越同盟关系已多有论述,但1950年前中共与印支共之间的合作则未引起同等重视。1950年前的中越跨国革命区值得探讨,一是因为这一时期的中越革命同盟关系实际上是第二次国共内战和第一次印支战争的延伸,也是这两场战争的连接点。这种联系突显了这两场战争的国际性,进一步证明第二次国共内战和第一次印支战争都是与冷战密切关联的热战,中越跨国革命区因此成为冷战初期的一个地方热点,并代表了国际冷战的一种地方形态;二是因为这一阶段两党之间的合作为1950年代至1970年代末期的中越关系奠定了基础。在国共内战期间,中共不仅得到了苏联共产党和朝鲜共产党的支持,也得到了印支共产党的援助,中共对于胡志明和越南革命运动的支持也是从印支战争爆发之日起即已开始,1950年后只是扩大了援助的范围,并提高了援助的规模和合作的级别。1950年前两党关系中发生的一些问题也将在1950年后重复出现并带来严重后果。Since the 1920s,the communist movements in China,Korea and Vietnam have been closely interconnected.The cooperation among the communist parties in the three East Asian countries led to the formation of two transnational revolutionary zones in the north and the south,respectively,and this article represents a study of the southern transnational revolutionary zone across the Sino-Vietnamese border between 1945 and 1950,focusing on the conditions leading to the formation of the zone,the forms of collaboration between the Chinese Communist Party and the Indochinese Communist Party,and the differences between the Sino-Vietnamese revolutionary alliance before and after 1950.The cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam after 1950 has been thoroughly studied,but the pre-1950 Sino-Vietnamese revolutionary alliance has not attracted equal attention.The pre-1950 collaboration between the Chinese and Vietnamese Communists deserves further study for two reasons:first,the Sino-Vietnamese revolutionary alliance was an extension of and a link between the Chinese Civil War and the First Indochina War,and such a connection underscores the international aspect of the two wars,further confirming that both the Chinese Civil War and the First Indochina War were hot wars closely related to the Cold War.The pre-1950 Sino-Vietnamese Transnational Revolutionary Zone was thus a local hotspot in the Cold War,and represents a local form of the global Cold War;second,the cooperation between the two parties during this period laid the foundation for Sino-Vietnamese relations from the 1950s to the late 1970s.During the civil war,the CCP received support not only from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of Korea,but also from the Indochinese Communist Party,and the CCP’s support for Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese revolutionary movement had begun as soon as the Indochina War broke out,only expanding the scope of assistance and increasing the scale and level of cooper
作者韩孝荣HAN Xiao-rong(Department of Chinese Culture,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong)
出处《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI  2021年第1期1-14,共14页Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词中国 越南 冷战 国共内战 第一次印支战争 跨国革命区China Vietnam Cold War Chinese Civil War First Indochina War Cross-border Revolutionary Zone
分类号D27 [政治法律—政治学]