更新日期:2021-07-07     浏览次数:252

摘要长期以来,越南各界一直将西贡政权视为伪政权或傀儡政权。越共十一大后,越南国内在该问题上的观点逐渐趋于多元化,新编《越南历史》出版后,该问题引发了越南各界的激烈争论,焦点主要在于越南民主共和国是否系全越南的唯一代表,“越南共和国”是否是合法的国家?该辩论标志着越南国内对于西贡政权原有的传统立场受到了挑战,而将西贡政权合法化的阶段性两个越南的观点在越南渐有市场。在越南国内对该问题的争论中,虽包含部分学者对历史事实的客观追求和对以往立场的反思,但总体而言,越南国内在该问题上的做法名为历史评价问题,实则指向南海争端,同时也与越南推行的民族和解政策有关。中国学界在研究认知西贡政权问题时必须摆脱中国思维束缚,超越单纯的意识形态因素,在越南政治文化的语境里从多个角度探寻越南行为的动因,然后再回归南海问题,方能提出较为符合实际的因应之策。Led by some senior officials and academic authorities,Vietnam has arisen a trend which attempts to reorientate the legal status of the Saigon Regime recently.Vietnam’s long-standing position has begun to change,which Vietnam insists that the Saigon government is a puppet regime and Vietnam is an indivisible unified country including both the North and the South.The State of Vietnam and the Republic of Vietnam has begun to be considered as a legitimate state.The main reason for this change is relevant with the South China Sea issue.The essence of the issue is that Vietnam attempts to use the changes in the geopolitical environment to maintain its vested interests in the South China Sea by making a fuss about the legal status of the Saigon regime.However,the practice that Vietnam highlights favorable factors and conceals unfavorable facts does not guarantee Vietnam’s vested interests.Whether the Saigon regime is a legitimate country or not couldn’t change China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea.
作者赵卫华ZHAO Wei-hua(Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433)
出处《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI  2021年第1期71-85,共15页Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词西贡政权 历史法理地位 雍文谦黎禄谈话 范文同公函 南海问题Saigon Regime legal status Ung Van Khiem Talks Pham Van Dong Diplomatic Letters South China Sea Issues
分类号D73.333.2 [政治法律—政治学]  D77.333.2 [政治法律—中外政治制度]