更新日期:2021-07-07     浏览次数:246

摘要文章借用“重写本”概念解构柬埔寨华文教育的结构变迁历程,将其视作动态层累过程,划分为历史时序层次和社会阶层结构两个层面。文章论证柬埔寨华文教育的内部结构在面对柬埔寨政治体制激烈调整下的转折变迁、化危机为转机的历程,而新转化的华社结构透过华文教育内容的调整进一步回应社区内外对族群身份的新需求。这样的危机转折构成与改变历程也就是重写本的书写过程,书写的内容即为“华性”在不同体制与结构下的新表征。This article replies upon the concept of palimpsest to deconstruct the historical and structural changes of Chinese education in Cambodia.By conceptualizing these changes as both diachronicle layer and synchronicle class layer,it redefines them as dynamic layered sedimentary processes.The article examines the Chinese education’s role in the face of radical political transformations in the Cambodian society,showing that its role can be understood as layers of respondings to historical and class structural changes.Each responding wave was a chance for redefining Chineseness at times of identity crises with regard to both local societies in the host country and the motherland.This article considers such mechanisms of dealing crises precisely as palimpsest,i.e.,a layering sedimentary process in which Chineseness gained new representation in the layers of regimes and structures.
作者罗杨LUO Yang(Chinese Institute for Overseas Chinese Studies,Beijing 100007)
出处《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI  2021年第1期101-112,共12页Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词柬埔寨 华侨华人 教育 华性Cambodia overseas Chinese education Chineseness
分类号G749 [文化科学—教育学]