更新日期:2018-09-14     作者:华冰  浏览次数:254
核心提示:Abstract: China is leading the dawn of change in the key areas of international science and technology. China's economy will continue to gro

 Abstract: China is leading the dawn of change in the key areas of international science and technology. China's economy will continue to grow at a high speed and usher in the development of intelligence research and consulting industry. One Belt And One Road is crossing history and country, but it's hard to see Chinese elements on the silk road we once thrived in ancient times. Scientific and technological information and silk road culture to help the One Belt And One Road dream; The supply-side reform of science and technology information is to find the key areas for innovation, aiming at the bottleneck of development, and detonating revolutionary changes in key areas of the national economy. A joint fleet of academic ideas and a scientific and technological intelligence system should be used in order to achieve a goal.


Key words: science and technology intelligence, supply side, One Belt And One Road, silk road culture, key areas of national economy(关键词:科技情报、供给侧、一带一路、丝路文化、国民经济关键领域)

Research on the supply-side reform and development of science and technology information in China (我国科技情报事业供给侧改革与发展研究)

HUA BING (华 冰) 作者简介:华 冰(1958.10),男,山东省临沂市人,研究员,主要从事科学技术情报研究。

Linyi city of shandong province academy of sciences institute of science and technology intelligence, 276000 ,China (山东省临沂市科学研究院科学技术情报研究所 276000)




今天的美国有一个让美国人惊诧又无奈的数据:美国在过去一百年间用了45亿吨水泥。而中国在2011年至2013年期间,用了66亿吨。中国用三年时间干了一个半美国。2014到2017好像差不多又干了一个百年美国!我国的高铁占全球高铁运营里程的67%。特高压直流输电系统是世界上最先进的输电技术,中国是标准的制定者。地壳三千至一万米地下蕴含的干热岩是未来人类清洁能源的源泉。我国地质科学家青海的勘探以及未来的开发利用,将使我国使用清洁能源数千年。墨子号量子卫星、量子通讯相继应用;将使所有的隐身飞机无所遁形。全球最大规模微芯片基地建设,将终结美国微芯片霸主的地位。中国2000年科技研发投入是美国的百分之十二,2015科技研发投入年是美国的百分之七十五, 2022年中国将超过美国。
