All samples were performed at room temperature
更新日期:2022-03-21     浏览次数:318
核心提示:2.1 Instruments and medicinesThe main experimental equipment is as follows: FA1004 electronic balance (Chang zhou Nuoji Instrument Co. Ltd.)

2.1 Instruments and medicines

The main experimental equipment is as follows: FA1004 electronic balance (Chang zhou Nuoji Instrument Co. Ltd.); SGWX-4 type micro melting point instrument (Shanghai Precision Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd.); Bruker-AV400, 400MHz nuclear magnetic resonance instrument; HPLC Q-Tof HR-MS mass spectrometer (Waters Micromass); Bruker DTX-400 carbon spectrum analyzer; UV-1800PC spectrometer; HITACHIF-4500 fluorescence spectrometer.

The main reagents of the experiment are as follows: Reagents are analytically pure or chemically pure. Deionized water was used throughout the experiment, and the metal ion solutions used were all made from their chloride salts. All samples were performed at room temperature.