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Relevant researches on classroom questioning
更新日期:2022-05-25     浏览次数:141
核心提示:This research is based on the resources of CNKI, and it shows that researches on English classroom questioning of primary school is much les

This research is based on the resources of CNKI, and it shows that researches on English classroom questioning of primary school is much less and later than it of any other school phase both at home and abroad through keyword retrieval. Respectively, the rank of them from the top to down is about university, junior high school, junior high school and primary school. Besides, those researches are always embedded in its superior branches like teacher talk and the classroom interaction between teacher and students, but sole researches on classroom questioning is very limited. All these indicate that researches on English classroom questioning of primary school may be not so ample as teachers expect even simply from the perspective of study history and quantity. Moreover, the research contents mainly focus on strategies for classroom questioning. The classical structure of these researches is the existing problems, the roles of questioning, the principles of questioning, the strategies of questioning, and some cases for illustrating. And most of them are practical survey pursuing a better future of classroom questioning.

For example, the most influential one research at home is from He (2003). This paper presents part of a research project on English teaching language in different levels of schools of China based on a 173000-word (40 periods) corpus of English classroom interaction including three levels: senior middle school, junior middle school and primary school, among which 10 periods of primary classes by native English teachers are used as a referent of comparison. The finding is: In general, the higher level cognitive demanding activity in the three levels of teacher talk is not enough in comparison even with the primary school class carried out by the native English teachers, let alone meet the new State Standard of English Curriculum. Therefore, more progress in classroom questioning should be made in the future. 

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