地震多属性反演技术在加拿大P区 浊流沟道预测中的应用(The Application of Multi-attribute Seismic Inversion Technology in the fo
更新日期:2019-04-26     来源:海洋地质与第四纪地质   作者:王 亚  浏览次数:307
核心提示:《地震多属性反演技术在加拿大P区 浊流沟道预测中的应用(The Application of Multi-attribute Seismic Inversion Technology in the fo》为作者:张林

《地震多属性反演技术在加拿大P区 浊流沟道预测中的应用(The Application of Multi-attribute Seismic Inversion Technology in the fo》为作者:张林最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为加拿大P区块位于西加拿大盆地次级阿尔伯塔盆地西北部,为北美石油资源最丰富的沉积盆地之一,此次研究重点层系M发育了大型坡折型深水扇,碎屑物被搬运至凹陷内充填后形成浊流沟道砂体。本文针对浊流沟道砂体相变快、等时对比难度大的技术难点,利用地震多属性反演技术开展形态识别、平面定性识别及空间定量识别研究,准确预测和刻画了研究区西南方向的砂体卸载区为浊流沟道砂体发育区、油气富集区,为下步有利勘探目标。 Extract: Block P is located in the northwest of the Alberta basin---a subunit of the west Canada basin with the richest petroleum resources。 This passage studies stratum M of block P。 The stratum is born from a large break of slope subsea apron, whose clastic rocks were washed to the sag and then formed sand bodies of suspended current channels。 Since the phase of such sand bodies changes so fast, isochronous correlation (i。e。 correlation of strata of equivalent age) is very difficult。 To address this problem, this passage uses a multi-attribute seismic inversion technology to identify the shape of block P and to analyze its distribution range qualitatively and quantitatively, thereby forecasting and describing the area where sand bodies may deposit in the southwest of the block。 Through the research we confirm that this deposit area contains abundant sand bodies of suspended current channels and oil-gas and thus merits further exploration。 Key words: sand bodies of suspended current channels, fast-changing phase; isochronous correlation; multi-attribute inversion; sand-body deposit;。现欲投《海洋地质与第四纪地质》,不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。