Interaction solutions for Whitham–Broer–Kaup equations
更新日期:2019-04-16     来源:应用数学   作者:Huaitang Chen  浏览次数:267
核心提示:《Interaction solutions for WhithamBroerKaup equations》为作者:Huaitang Chen最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为In this paper, a new auxiliar

《Interaction solutions for Whitham–Broer–Kaup equations》为作者:Huaitang Chen最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为In this paper, a new auxiliary equation method is presented。 A nalytical multiple function solutions including trigonometric functions, exponential functions and hyperbolic functions can be easily obtained。 Using this method,we obtain the interaction solutions of the Whitham–Broer–Kaup equations。 It is significant to help physicists to analyze special phenomena in their relevant fields accurately。现欲投《应用数学》,不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。