Occlusion objects adaptive visual tracking method based on conflict redistribution strategy
更新日期:2019-05-31     来源:计算机学报   作者:方英武,王轶  浏览次数:206
核心提示:《Occlusion objects adaptive visual tracking method based on conflict redistribution strategy》为作者:王轶最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点

《Occlusion objects adaptive visual tracking method based on conflict redistribution strategy》为作者:王轶最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为The objective of this article is to present an adaptive tracking approach of visual objects in the framework of particle filters (PF) and conflict redistribution strategy based on Dezert-Smarandache theory (DSmT)。 An improved combination rule of conflict redistribution was introduced into the researches on visual objects tracking, position and color cues of moving objects were combined by modified combination strategy, and the objects tracking model of fusing multiple cues on the condition of occluded objects was established effectively。 On the basis of building the execution panel of objects tracking simulation platform, many tracking experiments in complicated scene were carried out to validate the correctness and availability of the introduced method by comparing with other tracking method。 Results showed that the introduced approach had excellent adaptive ability for dealing with high conflict among evidences under different occlusion condition, and could solve partly high-level vision tracking problems efficiently。 The research achievement will provide new method and ideas for the application of video-based tracking technique by extending the application areas of DSmT。现欲投《计算机学报》,不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。