更新日期:2019-06-19     来源:黑龙江畜牧兽医   作者:汪燕昌  浏览次数:195
核心提示:青海省祁连县2018年动物疫病调查评估报告In 2018, the animal epidemic prevention and control center in our county closely focused on the overal


In 2018, the animal epidemic prevention and control center in our county closely focused on the overall goal of "fighting for no occurrence and ensuring no epidemic" and the work requirements of "maintaining density and quality in government departments and business departments." First, we need to do a good job in animal epidemic control. Focusing on the concentrated immunization of animal epidemics in spring and autumn, the basic immunity of major animal epidemics such as foot-and-mouth disease was vigorously emphasized, and the dynamic density of major animal epidemics reached the provincial requirements. Second, it has done a good job in epidemiological investigation, epidemic surveillance, epidemic inspection, and parasitic disease prevention and control of major animal epidemics, and placed them in a prominent position in epidemic prevention work. It has strengthened epidemic epidemiology investigation and epidemic laboratory monitoring.
Key words: animal disease, assessment, disease surveillance, zoonosis

2018年我县动物疫病预防控制中心紧紧围绕重大动物疫情 “力争不发生、确保不流行”总体目标和“政府部门保密度、业务部门保质量”的工作要求,一是做好动物疫病防控工作,以春、秋两季动物疫病集中免疫为重点,狠抓口蹄疫等重大动物疫病基础免疫,重大动物疫病动态密度达到省级规定要求;二是做好主要动物疫病流行病学调查、疫病监测、疫情巡查、寄生虫病防治等工作,并将其放在防疫工作的突出位置,加强了疫病流行病学调查和疫病实验室监测工作。

关键词:动物疫病、评估、疫病监测 、人畜共患病

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