更新日期:2019-08-13     来源:高教探索   作者:王立枫  浏览次数:173
核心提示:食品化学课程教学改革初探Exploration on Teaching Reform of Food Chemistry 摘要:食品化学是食品专业的重要基础课程之一。本文针对高校食品化学课程


Exploration on Teaching Reform of Food Chemistry


Abstract: Food chemistry is one of the important basic courses of food science. Aiming at the problems existing in the course of food chemistry in colleges and universities, this paper carries out the reform of teaching practice in the links of teaching content, experimental course and theoretical practice. So as to stimulate students' interest in learning, improve the teaching effect, cultivate students' ability of learning and practice, and improve the teaching quality and teaching effect. The new teaching system is constructed to provide reference for the teaching development of food engineering education system.


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