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更新日期:2019-09-18     来源:中国高教研究   作者:杨亚凡  浏览次数:192
核心提示:大学生旁观者现象中的个体-群体心理共振the psychological resonance phenomenon in individual and group the of university student bystanders[摘


the psychological resonance phenomenon in individual and group the of university student bystanders

[摘要] 大学生的道德状况和社会责任感的强弱,关系国家的发展和民族的前途。在公共突发事件发生时,大学生选择旁观而不是见义勇为,既有个体心理过程,也有群体心理共振。这就需要从社会心理学的视角探究旁观情境中大学生个体与群际交互及个体卷入群体的规律,考察大学生个体心理到群体心理的变迁机理,剖析大学生旁观个体、群体特有的心理特征以及个体受他人和群体影响的卷入规律,以期为重塑大学生责任担当、互助的价值信仰。

 [Abstract] The college students‘moral status and social responsibility is related to the development of the country and the future of the nation. When a event of a public emergency accurs, college students choose to watch, not to help, due to not only psychological self-vibration process,but also a common consideration. It is necessary to explore the individual and group interaction in the college bystander students from the perspective of social psychology, investigate the mechanism of changes in the individual psychology of college students to the group psychology,, as well as individuals 'influence by others and groups.,in order to rebuild the trust and mutual assistance.

 [关键词] 大学生 旁观 心理共振